
Claremont Medical Centre
206 Stirling Hwy
West Australia 6010

Psychotherapy and

There is an overlap between psychotherapy and counselling, and it can be difficult to make a clear distinction between them. Often, it is a matter of professional identification.

Psychotherapy is usually a deeper and longer-term treatment, concerned with restructuring the personality or self. Counselling is generally shorter-term and may focus more on immediate issues and developing practical strategies for coping with them.

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a practice that involves the use of a professional relationship to address personal issues in depth. Regular sessions that invite and promote reflection, open and frank discussion, a deeper sense of revealing oneself, recognition, and a professional focus on the underlying reasons for distress, confusion, disorder, or dysfunction are the elements of a psychotherapy process. We are concerned with your past history, family of origin, present circumstances and relationships and pay attention to all details of relevance to understand and work with your current issues.

Practically anyone can fall into depression or anxiety at some stage in their lives. Existential despair, futility, coming to terms with loss, and adjusting to change are commonly voiced in the consulting room. Even the most high-functioning and accomplished people can suffer mental anguish or emotional agony. Anyone can lose their way. This is part of life. We work with people who are struggling with the worst of what life can throw at you, with those with a ‘diagnosable mental disorder’, with those in crisis or suffering the consequences of an earlier trauma, especially complex trauma. Much of our work is now working with couples (also various combinations of family members) that have suffered terrible stresses, sometimes as a direct consequence of the Covid pandemic.

How can talking about things help? How does talking make any difference?

There isn’t a general answer to these questions though we do take them seriously. Sometimes, discussions lead to insights and other forms of realization that make a direct difference to an issue. Sometimes, discussion highlights your part in a relationship conflict or pattern. Sometimes, discussion helps us come to terms with what we have not been able to fully process or accept. Sometimes, discussion creates a space for grieving and processing a painful loss. Such losses may be immediate or from long ago but have not been sufficiently dealt with yet. Some discussions aim to make sense of your history or a present situation or relationship that is concerning or confusing. And sometimes, discussions are a download of tense, confusing, worrying, disturbing thoughts or feelings and you feel better for having released them through verbal discourse. There are many ways of describing the benefits of talk therapy but in its simplest form – talking helps – as so many who have undertaken therapy testify.

Free initial consultation

You can make a full appointment from the get-go if wanted but we often suggest a free half-hour initial consultation first. It gives an opportunity to meet, discuss what you are seeking help with, and then if you wish to proceed we can discuss appointments and fees.

Call us on 08 9383 3132 or email info@amygdala.com.au to book your free initial consultation.

Typically, because the consulting situation is split off from your usual social circle and is 100% private and confidential, people find they can speak more honestly and openly than to their friends, family, partner or any other relationship. There is a sense of self-discovery that emerges much of the time. And there is relief in expressing what has been held inside, sometimes painfully, sometimes with shame or guilt, and sometimes secretively. Letting it out is the start of letting it go.

Talking helps. And so does listening.

Have you Considered Counselling?

Counselling may focus more on immediate issues and be less concerned to delve into your history, family of origin and developmental history as psychotherapy does. Counselling is also a therapeutic process where we look into what isn’t working, how to feel better and function better. We address particular problems or issues and aim for resolution as far as possible. We know from experience that making a space in the busyness of living to pay attention to what you aren’t happy about, or worse, what causes you pain or grief or aggravation, can help going forward.

Counselling is not applied psychology. Our approach is to discover what is particular to you, your situation, your issues, and address that in a way that is personal and meaningful to you. Applied psychology delivers much the same message to every client. At Amygdala Consulting, one size does not fit all. We are seeking a fresh approach that is effective and beneficial and that addresses the nature of each person’s problems at the time they come for sessions.

Next steps

You can make a full appointment from the get-go if wanted but we often suggest a free half-hour initial consultation first. It gives an opportunity to meet, discuss what you are seeking help with, and then if you wish to proceed we can discuss appointments and fees.

Call us on 08 9383 3132 or email info@amygdala.com.au to book your free initial consultation.